Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Love February (2012)

I've just been looking through some of the posts I wrote in previous years, and came across this one:

I Love February

And here we are, exactly four years on from that date.  A lot has happened since that time.  Four years ago I was busy working at MYOB, attempting to support the release of a product (BusinessBasics Online) to compete with Xero, a company I began work for a few months later.

And since my time at Xero came to an end, I've been working with a variety of software providers to help them successfully deliver great products to market, through my own business Stuart Bale Limited.

The last four years have been very eventful.  We've moved to Wellington, then to Wanaka, where we're comfortably settled.  My daughter is in Invercargill, and my son has just started primary school.  My father died two years ago. I started my own business. Christchurch crumbled. Oh, and New Zealand won the Rugby World Cup.  And tomorrow work begins on our new house in Peninsula Bay, with breathtaking views across Lake Wanaka to the mountains behind.

The next four years hold a lot of promise, and some exciting times.  I expect my life to continue to change, and I think it's important to accept and embrace that change, since it is inevitable.  Most of all, each day needs to contain a measure of happiness - as that's what makes life worth living.

Until next time,
