Thursday, April 30, 2009

OSsils - What Software Archeologists of the 22nd Century will discover

My good friend Daniel and I were watching a show on Discovery last night about fossils, and it prompted a discussion on what new discoveries archeologists might make in the future.

In particular, we started to think about a new profession, Software Archeologists, and how in a hundred years time they'll scour the Internet (or whatever it is by that time), and come across the remains of DOS, BeOS, OS2, Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Solaris and the like.

Perhaps they'll be named OSsils?

There may be specialist Software Archeologists that dive deeper into the origins of a particular OSsil, thriving on the intricate differences between major & minor versions, and the specifics of build numbers. The arguments at OSsil conferences will begin, where questions like "Did DOS 2.0 really have support for subdirectories?" and "Whatever happened to DELTREE?" will rage.

At universities around the world, wild eyed professors teach spotty faced students the Theory of OS, while religious zealots from the Church of Gates preach how Windows was created in just six days, until it sinned and spawned the vile offspring - aka Vista.

It does lead me to wonder if there will be any OS survivors in 2109?


Silver Fox